Dokan Simple Auctions Module Review 2024

Created a marketplace with Dokan and now looking to take it a step further? One direction you can go is by offering auctions and related services. For this, you need to enable the Simple Auctions Module to activate vendor auctions.

If you don’t already know, Dokan is a WordPress plugin that helps you create a fully functional online marketplace with multiple vendors. The Dokan Simple Auctions Module offers additional features and functionality to your marketplace.

The Simple Auctions module enables marketplace owners to provide auctionable products and services through vendors. It requires the Dokan and WooComemrce plugins to work properly.

The addon integrates quite easily with your plugin once you have fulfilled all the requirements. Even though it comes with premium plans, you can still buy its separate plan for $49 a year.

Dokan Simple Auctions Module

Let’s discuss everything about this module in the Dokan Simple Auctions review for 2024!

Dokan Simple Auctions Module: An Overview

If you want to create a marketplace where vendors can auction off different items, the Simple Auctions addon has all the essentials for it. You get features like auctions, price bidding, and regular selling with this module.

Simple Auctions Module

The individual pricing plan for the module also comes with additional add-ons. For example, you get live chat integration, vendor staff manager, export-import, and vendor review among others.

Marketplace owners can make extra money through bidding wars between potential customers. Admins can set up higher commissions for auctions and bidding products.

In short, the Dokan Simple Auctions module has all the necessary features to enable product options on your marketplace!

Enabling the Simple Auctions Module

The process to enable the auction integration is quite simple but requires multiple steps to be completed. For example, you have to install some prerequisites before activating it. Additionally, you will need access to the premium Dokan plans to enable the module.

Let me tell you everything you need to know about enabling Simple Auctions on your WordPress site.

Requirements for Simple Auctions

The most important requirement for all this is having the Dokan plugin. If you have installed the Lite version, you will have to buy the module on Dokan’s website. Dokan Pro owners have a much simpler procedure for enabling.

As a general requirement, you also need the WooCommerce plugin for installing Dokan and then activating Simple Auctions. Have these two plugins installed and you’re good to go with the auctions integration.

The following list summarizes the prerequisites for the module:

  • WordPress
  • WooCommerce
  • Dokan Lite
  • Dokan Pro
  • WooCommerce Simple Auctions

Steps to Activate Auctions Integration

Go to the Dokan website to buy the Simple Auctions Module if you don’t have the right premium pricing plan. On the website, head to the WordPress plugin and then modules.

Look for the Simple Auctions module and go ahead to purchase it.

Dokan Module Checkout

After completing the purchase, you need to visit your WordPress website

Here, go to the Dokan dashboard and scroll to the Modules menu.

Scroll below to find the “Auctions Integration” addon. Click on the toggle shown below to enable the module.

Simple Auctions Module Toggle

And that’s it. Vendors on your marketplace can now hold auctions for valuable items!

Simple Auctions Key Features

Now that you know how to enable the module, let me tell you about some of its cool features. For starters, the plugin has a cool bidding system that enables potential customers to quote their desired prices on a certain item.

Here are some features of the Dokan Simple Auctions module.

1. Multi-vendor Auction Support

The module offers multi-vendor auction support to begin with. This means you need to activate it once and all vendors on the marketplace will be able to start auctions.

2. Different Auction Types

The module offers both standard and reverse auctions. In standard, vendors place products for auctions. In reverse, buyers can post requirements, and vendors bid prices.

3. Bid Management

Vendors can set minimum bid requirements for items. Buyers can automate bids with a pre-designated maximum amount.

4. Customizable Auction Settings

Vendors can customize auction settings for each listing, including bid increments, auction duration, and more. They can also put custom timers and auction countdowns.

5. Reporting and Analytics

The module offers detailed reports and analytics on bids, winning prices, and auction performance. Vendors can use this data to improve future auctions.

Simple Auctions Module Pricing

Dokan Pro users with the Business and Enterprise pricing plans will have automatic access to the Simple Auctions Module. In this case, you only need to activate it to enable vendors for auctions.

For users with other Pro or Lite plans, you will need to buy the Individual Module first. You also have the option to upgrade your current plan to any of the eligible plans. A plan upgrade costs $499 and $999 at least.

You have to pay $49 a year for the separate Simple Auctions pricing plan. Here are the pricing options summarized in a list:

  • $49 if you buy a separate plan
  • $499 for the whole Business plan
  • $999 for an Enterprise plan with extra features + modules

Pros & Cons of the Simple Auctions Module

All products have positives and negatives. For example, the Dokan auctions integration offers features to help vendors earn more. However, it is also costly for a new vendor with a smaller budget.

Here are some pros and cons of the module in lists.


  • Auction ability
  • Multi-vendor support
  • User-friendly interface
  • Customizable auction settings
  • SEO and mobile friendly


  • Complex for new users
  • Dependency on WooCommerce
  • Cost

Wrap Up

Dokan’s Simple Auctions Module offers vendors the functionality to auction off valuable items and products. This approach is guaranteed to bring in more revenue thanks to popular bidding wars between potential customers.

The module is available on the Dokan website for $49. However, Dokan Pro buyers will be able to get it with some premium plans for free.

Its key features include comprehensive bid management, custom timers & countdowns, and several auction types. To sum up, the add-on is ideal to make your marketplace the hub of online auctions.

I hope this Simple Auctions review answered all your questions about the Dokan module. Ask your questions in the comments below if you need to know anything else about it!

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